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2023-24 常见的阅读: ‘自然修复; Why Nature Makes Us Happier, 更健康的, 和 More Creative’


"... [A] lively exploration of what modern research has to say about the myriad health benefits of the great outdoors...Ms. 威廉姆斯 resists the tendency of so much nature writing towards easy epiphanies, 采用这种语气, 而不是, 高兴地淘气的...Ms. 威廉姆斯 puzzles out the pros 和 cons, 结论, 总而言之, that there’s a good case for connecting with nature to extend both the quantity 和 quality of life..." —《365体育滚球》

“迷人的...威廉姆斯, a contributing editor at Outside magazine, presents all of this with the zip of a trail runner covering a lot of ground sure-footedly. She’s got the pop-sci presentation down pat — breezy enough to draw in the lay reader, thorough enough to satisfy the expert. She gamely volunteers to be researchers’ human guinea pig, including wearing a portable EEG unit in the woods 和 looking like a “shriveled sea urchin.” —《365滚球官网》

Florence 威廉姆斯 is a journalist, author, 和 podcaster. She is a contributing editor at 外面的杂志 和 a freelance writer for the 纽约时报纽约时报杂志国家地理的 New York Review of Books 和 numerous other publications.

弗洛伦斯的第一本书, BREASTS: A Natural 和 Unnatural History ( W.W. Norton 2012) received the 洛杉矶时报 Book Prize in science 和 technology 和 the 2013 Audie in general nonfiction. It was also named a notable book of 2012 by the 纽约时报. 她2017年的书, 自然修复, was an Audible bestseller 和 was named a top summer read by J.P摩根. 她的新书, Heartbreak: A Personal 和 Scientific Journey, is called “show-stopping” 和 “courageous” by Publisher’s Weekly. She is also the writer 和 host of two Gracie-Award-winning Audible Original series, 乳房的 和 三天效应, as well as numerous episodes for 外面的杂志的播客. 的 《365体育滚球》 calls her writing “droll 和 crisp,” which makes her feel like a pastry.

Her public speaking includes keynotes at Google, 史密森尼学会, 西雅图动物园, Aspen Ideas Festival 和 many other corporate, academic 和 nonprofit venues. A fellow at the Center for Humans 和 Nature 和 a visiting scholar at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Florence’s work focuses on the environment, health 和 science. A certified forest-bathing guide 和 experienced workshop leader, Florence loves leading groups through nature-immersive experiences 和 watching the transformation, 连接, 治愈的结果.

In 2007-2008, Florence was a Scripps Fellow at the Center of Environmental Journalism at the University of Colorado. She has received many awards, including two National Magazine Award nominations, six magazine awards from the American Society of Journalists 和 Authors, 和 the John Hersey Prize at Yale. Her work has been anthologized in numerous books, including 在25新蒙大拿故事西方是如何变暖的 和 Best American Science 和 Nature Writing 2008. Florence serves on the board of two of her favorite non-profits, Trust for Public L和 和 the Ted Scripps Fellowship in Environmental Journalism.

Nature Fix的封面
Cover: "自然修复; Why Nature Makes Us Happier, 更健康的, 和 More Creative"
Florence 威廉姆斯, photo Credit: Cassie Zalud
Florence 威廉姆斯 (Photo Credit: Cassie Zalud)


的 常见的阅读 is a program designed to engage the university 和 莫斯科 community, 学生, 工作人员, faculty 和 community members, in a unified intellectual activity. For first-year students it introduces them to academic expectations, 有礼貌的话语, 社区建设. 的 常见的阅读 book is available through the U of I V和alStore.

This is a program sponsored through the Office of the Provost, College of Letters 艺术 & Social Sciences 和 the 通识教育 Program.  It is a product of a host of faculty, 工作人员 和 student members who serve on the 常见的阅读 Selection Committee.


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